

Water in the coal mining industry holds qualities of both groundwater and surface water, along with the character of sewage and wastewater. As of now, conventional water treatment technology can fulfil varying water quality needs, though it often comes at a hefty cost.

Xuyang’s magnetic disk separation technology is a revolutionary advancement designed specifically to address water treatment needs in coal mines. Unlike traditional mine water surface treatments, this innovative operation can be conducted directly in the mine and offers tremendous economic, safety, and environmental benefits. What’s more, the associated technical process is remarkably straightforward. It can bridge the gaps in coal mine water purification and treatment, making it one of the few underground water purification methods that can be practically implemented.

  • Underground treatment is the main method utilized, providing a range of benefits. Not only does this conserve energy and land, but it also removes the need for counter-measures to combat freezing in the winter months. Additionally, the wastewater resulting from the process can be used for underground production.
  • Maximize the use of gravity flow, to lower the energy use and overall be more energy and cost-efficient.
  • All electrical components used in coal mining filters adhere to safety standards.
  • This system offers superior resistance to varying loads, efficiently handling changing quantities and qualities of incoming water.
  • This entire ensemble of machinery utilizes total automation, enabling the user to activate and deactivate the machinery conveniently through the local control panel.
  • Thanks to the operation of the system, the threat posed by underground dredging is eliminated and customers gain immense benefits in the form of an extended service life of the water pump found in the central pump house.
Products we offer for coal industry:

Products we offer for circulating water filtration in coal industry: